Tuesday 15 March 2011

Kuopio Art Gallery, Finland

Leena Mäki-Patola

Leena's clay panels and vessels became a great inspiration for my self directed clay work.  After visiting the gallery, her pieces gave me many ideas on experimenting with glazes and slips, as well as how I could display my own work.  Her textural surfaces, created with glazes, metal and using contrasting clays as slips are all elements that make it successful and interesting.  Her careful consideration of colour, particularly the harsh difference between blue and red are eye catching and work well with the grid style display.  I also find the rawness of the materials highly attractive.

Eunice Geustyn
    Sunset Beach, New Crossroads, Crossroads, Bishop's Court, 2009, mixed media on paper

Although I did not find Eunice Geustyn's embroidered prints the most exciting part of the exhibition, I feel that I can relate to her style.  The black and white prints, both subtle and detailed, made a great base onto which simple stitch was applied.  I also enjoyed the laid back approach to the way in which it was displayed, simply by hanging it from a line.

 Kristiina Korpela

   Kukkameri (flower sea), 2008

   Saraako, 2010-2011, glass

Kristiina Korpela had the greatest presence at the Vessi, Water's exhibition.  To begin with, I found myself feeling indifferent to her flower sea collection.  However, after watching the various plastic items float around in the tank, I began to quite enjoy it.  Although very simple, the flowing movement was very mesmerizing.  Her glass vessels dominated the ext of the exhibition halls.  After working with hot glass myself, I appreciate the interesting forms she has been able to create.