Tuesday 16 August 2011

Leeds Art Gallery

Francis Bacon

                      Head VI, 1949

I have been a fan of Francis Bacon's work for quite some time, and his Pope series is top of my list.  In the past, I have created work based on this group of paintings, so seeing one in the flesh was really astonishing.

Ergin Cavusoglu

   Poised in the Infinate Ocean, 2004, 3 screen video installation with sound

Video art often loses my attention very quickly.  However this 3 screen installation by Ergin Cavusoglu kept me for quite some time.  The grand house and light house were particularly inviting, and I could not stop staring at the extravagance of each building.  I also enjoyed the transformation between night and day.

Frederico Camara

   Untitled [Tropical World, Leeds], 2007, colour photograph

    Untitled [Stuttgart], 2008, colour photograph

Frederico Camara's photographs of empty zoo enclosures have a haunting air about them.  I find 'Untitled [Stuttgart]' particularly eerie due to its surgical style colourings and open spaces.  The viewer may ask why the rooms are empty, and how come there is little trace of their every being life?  On the other hand, 'Untitled [Tropical World, Leeds]' does carry a feeling of warmth.

 Brian Griffiths

   Return of Enos, 2000, carpet, cardboard and tape

I think the most appealing thing about this sculpture is its materials.  Brian Griffiths uses nothing but simple household objects to recreate the infamous Enos, the first ape to go to space.  The combination has created the perfect replica that is quite endearing.

John N. Rhodes

   Study of a Skull, Book and Scroll of Paper, oil on canvas

Although this painting was the smallest in the room, I was the one I spent the longest looking at.  The detail and precise tones combined with the delicate brush strokes made 'Study of a Skull, Book and Scroll of Paper' one of the most realistic looking paintings to grace my eyeballs.

John Byam Liston Shaw
  Such is Life, 1907, oil on canvas

My main reason for including this painting in this review is down to my bad observational skills.  It wasn't until I returned home and looked over my photographs that I noticed the policeman in the center of the painting.  His looming dark presence is counteracted by the calm and accepting expression.

Damien Hirst

  Away from the Flock, 1994
                                Mantra, 2008, butterflies, household gloss on canvas 

                      The Anatomy of an Angel, 2008, Carrara marble

As many know, I have a great dislike for Damien Hirst.  I find his work over rated and his personality arrogant.  I constantly ask myself  what everyone sees in his work.  I can appreciate it's aesthetic appeal, but cannot help but constantly remind myself that he did not create the pieces himself.  I also bring up the question 'is this really art?', especially to 'Away from the Flock'.  Personally, I would not consider it so, but it is all down to personal opinion, so there is no definitive answer.

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